Sightsavers! Poem by Denis Martindale


The poem that you read today concerns the gift of sight,
Disease can steal that gift away. Donations ease that plight.
Healthcare's not like an equal share that spans across the globe,
Sightsavers asks that we should care and give the gift of hope.

Donations change the bad to good, that's just the way it is,
By blessing every neighbourhood, with love, that's like a kiss.
If we let conscience be our guide, we help our fellow man,
And every child who sat and cried not knowing what we plan.

We are their heroes when we give, no matter near or far,
We grant them better lives to live, no matter where they are.
Sightsavers paves the way to peace, so keep that thought in view.
Together we can fight disease. If I can, so can YOU!

Denis Martindale. December 2020.

See sightsavers-dot-org to
see more about this charity.

Thursday, December 3, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: blessing,caring,charity,compassion,insight,kindness,loving ,sharing
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