Silently Wishing Poem by Christal Carpenter

Silently Wishing

I wish I could just go away,
just fly up to the sky
and sit on the edge of a star,
listen tho the wind whistle past my ears
and feel the cold air press against my skin,
I want to dangle my feet off the edge
and dip my toes in the clouds,
then grasp hold of a shooting star
to be taken to another magical place
were the sky always looks
as if the sun was setting on a summers day,
where I could just lie in a field
with the grass tickling any exposed skin
letting out quite sneezes as the dandelions get blown past
I just want to let the sun beams dance on my nose
with out a chance of getting burned
then getting blown by the wind to another magical place
were the sky seem to open up
and let the rain fall down
but on the ground there is no mud
just a repeating cycle
I want to have the water droplets
fall gently on my face
as I look up to the perfectly shaped clouds
and wonder what the hell am I dreaming for?
So now when I look out my window,
I see oh so much more
I see the world perfect
but just as before

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