Simplicity Poem by Troy Cochran


Rating: 5.0

It may seem strange for a man
to sleep with a little white stone in his hand,
but I can't resist the urge to hold
something so ephemeral as
the weight of a mineral city
abustle with the stirring about
of geological activity.

We awaken and arise together now
like two lovers coming to know each other
the morning after first discovery.
I yawn and stretch with a satisfaction
as if in possession of something lasting.
But dreams are mute and fast forgetting
the long ruminations with the under-earth.

But man must get about his day,
must find his boots, his arms and legs,
assorted dressings, remember what is worth collecting.
Stone has only to lie there pretty
already fast asleep and nesting
in the consummation of my blessing
the over-estimation of her simple worth.

Monday, October 2, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: earth,metaphysical,relationship,simplicity
Kumarmani Mahakul 09 October 2017

Something so ephemeral that we hold brings attention of others. Sleeping with a little white stone in his hand, a man perceives this wonderful universe and essence of creation. Stirring geographical gravity and weighing of a mineral city awaken lover's vision for new discovery. Satisfaction comes in possession that lasts for long time. Simple worth is blessing. We get this from God. Living simple and achieving high is the great aspect behind this poem. An outstanding poem this is brilliantly penned. Nice metaphysical essence we get from this poem reading...10

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Troy Cochran 31 October 2017

I like your statement: 'Living simple and achieving high is the great aspect behind this poem.' I could not have said it better. It puts me in mind of another bit I wrote about another stone, in my book 'The Gospel of Troy': 'My truth is a curious stone I carry in my pocket. It remembers only the river from which I plucked it.' Perhaps I have some kind of stone fetish. At any rate, it is surely not a good sign that I'm quoting myself. But there it is. Thank you for your insightful comments. :)

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