Siva (A White Statue) / Kali/ Just Over A Cup Of Tea Poem by Bijay Kant Dubey

Siva (A White Statue) / Kali/ Just Over A Cup Of Tea

Siva (A White Statue)

Siva in meditation
With the hands
Over the thighs
And with the rudraksha rosary
Into the hands
He lost into
The cosmic thoughts
And the white cobra hooded
Guarding the master
With the trisula and the kamandala
Kept before.


I just see the eyes,
The eyes of hers,
The tongue,
The red tongue hanging,
How the imagery,
How the painting
And the presentation?

The heads of sinners,
Demons and devil's cut
And wreathed into,
How the look,
She with a sword
Trying to annihilate
And save earth
Bailing out of crisis!

How dreadful, terrible
The image,
How horrible,
Grotesque and bizarre,
Mythical and mystical
Giving time to comprehend,
Grapple with the mysteries
Of life and the world!

Just Over A Cup of Tea

Just taking tea
Over a cup of tea
Saw I the coy mistress
With a cursory glance
While selecting her
Through arranged marriage
And match-makers.

A young mistress
Standing before
Coming from the curtained room
Into the dressing room
With a namaste
Or what to say to whom
And a cup of tea
With so much love?

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