So I Grin And Bear It, With My Homemade Kit Poem by Christina Ramirez

So I Grin And Bear It, With My Homemade Kit

It's a double standard to you, no matter what....
You'll stay away from me for a while and claim your strut.
Yet when a wandering eye seeks me out, you dropp me like a bad scent,
and wouldn't look at me even for a dirty cent.

Call me paranoid, though we speak in tongues of kindness,
it's anything but and it ends up turning out to be just another day blindness.
I'm sick of wondering where I stand with you,
I'll love you forever as a friend.
But with a single dropp I'd come running back to you.

Your hypocritcal in your demeaning ways,
and wear a false pride on your sleeve right beneath a pathetic phrase.
I wish I could shake it out of you!
But who am I kidding everything will probably just fall through.

I really wish that I could say that you mean nothing to me.
But I'll be a lying human and then it'll give you something to hold against me.
So I grin and bear it, with my little homemade kit.

Finishing letting you have the rest of me,
because let's face it's the only thing that you'll get for free.

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