So Much To Say, Not Enough Words Poem by Broken Angel

So Much To Say, Not Enough Words

You are my world,
my life,
my everything.
You mean so much to me,
more than life itself,
more than heaven and earth,
sun or moon,
day or night.
You said your proud of me,
but how,
i've done nothing for you to be proud of,
i've let down people, including myself,
i've hurt people, including me,
made people cry, including me, myself and i.
Your words bring tears to my eyes,
that run down my face,
bring the laughter in my voice and the smile on my face,
the sparkle in my eyes, shine so bright,
shine's through all the sadness and sorrow,
regrets and disbeliefs.
I admire that even though you've been through so much,
that your still holding on, and not giving up,
you inspire me to always keep going, to never give up,
when things get to rough.
If im your sunshine,
you must be the earth, heaven and all in between,
we'll be friends forever,
because im not leaving your side,
always here for you,
no matter what.
You said you found your angel,
and so have i,
in you,
i believe your my angel,
here to watch over me,
to save and care for me.
: : end: :

written: 10/21/05

**i wrote this b/c of my best friend mel! although lately i've been talking of ending my life and leaving her and a few others behind and i say no matter what we'll still be friends...well that is all true...whether or not i do end up killing myself...i will ALWAYS be here for her! **: '-(

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