So Now It Is I Have To Go Poem by Kevin Hulme

So Now It Is I Have To Go

So now it is I have to go, To leave all behind when the Spring is at the dawn. No more to walk in fields of bloom, Until shadows stretch to Twilights gloom, And the shoots of life are from the good Earth Sown. For now it is I have to go, As I watch you lie in slumbers care. To have one more kiss amongst thousands past, To hold Nirvana until the last, With that this parting I could forbear. But I hear the calling, my name is sung. Try not to weep but in sweet memories find, Those joyful years of Hearts entwined, And a lasting love that the years had spun. So now it is I have to go, For when you wake I will be gone. Away I'll abide in that bright Room next door, Like the way of all Souls who went before, My time now spent, all trials now done. So remember this in the coming years. From behind the Veil this Love will grow. A Love more strong by the parting so, Though Death has called to bring in tears.

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