Some Words That Poem by Atef Ayadi

Some Words That

a quarter century in the states.
still people ask me where i
came from.
i always answer stupidity with stupidity
intelligence with stupid intelligence.
people forget how big is this planet earth.
a sphere of a radius of
sixty five hundred kilometers plus
another 100 kilometer of atmosphere.
planet earth is one among other planets
-i mean spheres of possibly lifeless matter-
all theses spheres, big rocks, giant rocks, moons, lost moons, shredded glass of different materials, appolo 1 to applo 11 debris, dust, and water snow flakes, gas, and farts...-
that orbit a star called sun --soleil, shemsFM, IFM, IMF, ravi, Taiy ang, ilanga, solntse, jua, la la..., your friend name.... the name is masculine, or feminine, depending on where the language is originated.--
the sun itself is orbiting the center of a galaxy
--milky way, diameter of one fifty thousand light years, roughly hundred billions stars, few tiny satellite galaxies.--
the milky way itself belongs a cluster of local galaxies,
this one also is part of a bigger giant cluster, and you find yourself in a river of the Great Attractor.
the great attractor and other 'attractors, ' space and time, and all the noise, ripples, youtube, fb, and other meta and non meta things constitute
what we call the universe.
This universe itself is a part of zillion of universes.
i am a citizen of this universe,
so i do not see this question of where i came from relevant. i am everywhere, anyway, all over,
also karma recucled and sent me over, to this odd universe, deal with that.

Some Words That
Error Success