Soul Search Poem by Ella Goodman

Soul Search

Sometimes I feel frozen as ice,
With no feel to make me laugh or cry.
Sometimes I feel so deadly lost
Within the closet of my guarded walls.

Endless hours I spend in darknesses shell,
Empty, abandoned for hours I dwell,
I feel no pain, no blood flush through my vein,
Like a phatom...white and cold I wander when.

They jeer, they mock, hurl abuses strong,
No tears roll still, I smile along,
Does it break my heart, crack my soul?
I am divine I coax to keep whole.

Strange world it is...a cobweb of illusioned veil,
Battling souls around they toil for power and gain,
With no space for life, humble smile,
With no joy in glory that's not flamboyantly designed.

I step back and recoil within my shell,
Safely guarded to dissipate my wail,
Sometimes I feel so innately starved,
Of true light to glow the chambers unsparked.

I stay back, let my mind speak for a while,
That's no empty phrases or colored, flattered praises,
But unbiased reviews, sometimes coarse not fine
At peace I feel whence wrapped within, my true self I espies.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: life
Colleen Courtney 02 July 2014

Such a very well written poem. I often find that I enjoy being alone. There's comfort in knowing I have no one to answer to or for and that I am free to do whatever I please without worrying if it pleases another.

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