Speaking Against ‘da Vinci Code’ -2 Poem by Dr John Celes

Speaking Against ‘da Vinci Code’ -2

So mean, some try demeaning Christ –
The Son of God, the Almighty;
They know His birth was one divine,
From Virgin Mary, by God’s word!

The Lamb of God was sacrificed
For sins of mankind, on the cross;
The Son of God became a man,
To just fulfill His Father’s wish.

Yes, Jesus knew the Scriptures well;
He had two natures – man and God,
Like two faces of any coin;
As man, he was fully a man!

‘The Son of God could forgive sins’
- The words of Jesus Christ Himself;
Like God, He loved the sinner who
Confessed his sins and made amends.

Christ chose twelve men as Apostles;
May be, some women heard his talks;
Christ won over satan’s designs,
When latter tempted him, at last.

The sinless man called Jesus Christ
Defeated satan, once for all;
And when He rose from death, third day,
He showed his pow’r divine to world.

To mar his name by saying that
Jesus was married, had a son –
Amounts to blasphemy and Lie:
A sin, His Father won’t forgive.

‘Beware you liars of God’s word! ’
Lord Jesus Christ will come again
In glory, as Judge of mankind:
Ask forgiveness, repent for sins!

Copyright by Dr John Celes 5-14-2008

Dr John Celes

Dr John Celes

Tamilnadu, India
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