Almighty poems from famous poets and best beautiful poems to feel good. Best almighty poems ever written. Read all poems about almighty.
The Peace Warrior Of Mzansi, among heroes - a colossus!
Sun Of The Nation; a rare gift of Providence.
Once, entangled in the web of racist succubus;
Unruffled he declares before High Justice:
Prepare, prepare the iron helm of war,
Bring forth the lots, cast in the spacious orb;
Th' Angel of Fate turns them with mighty hands,
And casts them out upon the darken'd earth!
To fulfil immortality in life
Is woman's truth
Whose sole deed is
To disclose us to ourselves,
O Love! thou makest all things even
In earth or heaven;
Finding thy way through prison-bars
Up to the stars;
The spacious firmament on high,
With all the blue ethereal sky,
And spangled heav'ns, a shining frame,
Their great original proclaim:
Take time to think,
Many times over;
Say something that causes love
Instead of anger.
Coming out of home I see some land and much water all around
Full with wonderful animals, plants, myriad of natural objects
Some I can name and some I can't, some near and some are so far
Some open, some covered, some sweet again some are so bitter,
Blood spilled all over on ground
Bodies scattered and in mutilation found
Fresh wave of violence gaining round
Hatred, distrust reign with system sound
O Love! thou makest all things even
In earth or heaven;
Finding thy way through prison-bars
Up to the stars;
Jesus is not a Christian
Jesus is not a Hindu
Jesus is not a Muslim
Jesus is not a Buddhist
(Dedicated to you, my Brothers and Sisters)
Powerful words,
Truthful words,
To the moment I can write
In presence of my breath
With evidence of my veins strength
That I feel lonely on earth
In alien lands I keep the body
Of ancient native rites and things:
I gladly free a little birdie
At celebration of the spring.
A man started to wonder
about the life of a tree
standing at a place
without any movement
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A nasty surprise in a sandwich,
A drawing-pin caught in your sock,
The limpest of shakes from a hand which
You'd thought would be firm as a rock,
Good Morning, Good Noon, Good Afternoon and Good Evening,
For Peace of Mind
Before this body turns to dust
Before this world I leave
Upon The Lord I've placed my trust
Upon The Rock I'll cleave
Moonlit night
dawn approaching
darkness fading out
the cool gentle breeze
My Parents! My Parents! My Parents! humbly seek from Almighty God:
To bless and shower all His special blessings;
To keep in His love for nestling;
To make all comforts in life feathering;
Oh, dear Almighty God, we are pleading guilty and staying in rowdyism
Sorry for all people, children, and adults who are being affected by this tussle
May you accept our preservation
Oh, the creator, we are mischievous intensely
knowledge is a impact power
the impact of a power is a impact of knowledge
the mighty is the impact of the mighty
a mighty impact is a mighty knowledge
the source of all things guides me with love, showing me the way where in i should walk, singing to me of her love, ever the almighty, as her daughter ibow in love for all that she has done she singings to me of love faith and strength, giving me the key of trust, calling me most graceious loving me as a mother, deeply singing whispers into the deepest core of my heart, rousing in me the love faith and strength, which fuels the fire that burns in my eyes, the flames of which are burning bright with a hot passion for the divine, as she wills me, and i am willed, as i will, to do my will, which is her will to do. and as she sings, i play, dancing to the melody of my heart, my hands lovingly upon my lyre, as i play to the dancing god, dancing ever in my eagerness and passion to serve her will, and ever with the passion of my hearts deepest secret dreams, which she inspires as she moves my hands upon the lyre, stricking the chords and holding every note, as she plays with holy grace, turning the notes to gold, which sound with an resonating truth, that lies deep within the heart of deeper love, seeping deep into the hearts, of all who hear the song that is played, and as the music burns like a fire in my soul, im am blessed, stilled, inspired, i am so interested, the divine my interes, and she plays me like a lyre to which i dance to the tune of the love within my heart, ever stepping, with each soft step upon the slippery road wet with the rains of a storm, upon the path that leads to many roads that leads to one. that i might breathe as i become, to take a deep breath, and with the divine be one and in sacred stillness within, and the beauty of sovereign silence upon my lips i dance shamelessly naked before my creator, the almighty, whom is all that i love, who is the all of allm and whom is the all of all that i am. as i listen to the words of the almighty, feliing the song within me, and of the heat of my mind which are the words that the song plays as the notes come to rest deep in my sou, l to play in my heart notes of goldi that whisper of the profound ignorance which is profoundly ingorant in my mind, as a child who is yet young, ever birthed, sung into a poem of true beauty, to the words of which i am consecrated, and realized, as realization births understanding of the truth of reallity, the immortality that i am realized as i find the deepest note of who i am, and with the loving depth of my innerself, know that i am an eternal child. and that the divine is my mother, who in which i am rebirthed and renewed, forged in the fires of the almightys love, tempered by her love, humbled by her grace, and shivering from her kisses proundly deep, upon my heart, and into the deepst part of my shivering soul, that make me dance to her beuatul love, as i step by step dance upon the path before me, upon the path that leads to many roads that leads to one.
The holy celestial comes before me my soul, my muse, as she dances before me an ever burning light of the beauty within, singing to me a song of the beauty within, playing to me the music of deep within, the beautiful melody of the heart, which is her art, that plays a tune of her brilliant fire, that is the melody that fills the whole of me, kissing me in my origin, as the origin of my beginning, my muse, my soul, who I am as I am, as my muse, as my soul, the holy celestial, that comes before me a celestial daughter, as who I am within, married to me as the child within, consecrated as my wife, to whom before I am a child and a king, to who I am the lover and the man, and whom to me she is my lover, and my goddess. like a tidal wave of fire before my storm, burning with a blaze of holy fire, a tempest, a maelstrom of divinity, consecrated in her heart for her love for god. For she is a holy child, who kisses the floor before the throne with piety and love, with a burning heart, set aflame by the fire that burns within him which kindles the fire within the heart of the celestial daughter, his light shining in her being as a blaze that is illuminated by his illumination, that is bathed as she bathes in him, that is dressed by his nakedness, which he wears proudly truly, with his noble honor and royal grace, as a father naked before his child, who is naked before him, as only god may do with his daughter, as before her he wears his form proudly, and before him she has no shame, for she is truly baer before him, and his majesty, in the wholesome all consuming majesty of his true self, his majesty, the father almighty, who is truth embodied as the truth itself, for in his being as I am he is the truth in all its wholeness plain to see before the eyes of such as she, in all that he is laid bare before as who he is as the only true one, and as she in seeing him for who he is, fawns over him as a daughter, a servant, a child, a child lover, who has not reached the right neither in age nor height, to approach her father as a lover. Yet she fawns and she wooos, she bows, and she kisses and coos, as he humbly, gently but firmly denies her, yet with head bowed in stern command, commands her to hold her passion and lust, to subside, and she bows, with no hesitation, yet longing still burns in her. As she falls gracefully to her knees before him, with patient piety, ever with everything. And he addresses her with his noble gaze, as he sits upon his throne, awaiting her, as he listens and watches, softly speaking, patiently waiting, as she bows, he sees her every moment, hears every heart spoken whisper and word, every humble hopeful moan, every poorly hidden grin, baerely contained as she forces with discipline, composure in behavior before the lord. Until in piety bowed before him, awaiting him as he waits, he speaks to her in all his glory, in all his love, in all his authenticity, in all his honesty, and she hears them with an overflowing heart, that is full of honored reverence and endearing love, as she listens as a studious child, as he teaches her of many things, weaving with her stories, of his love for her, in many ways, always the lord, always the champion, always the strongest on top of the mountain, always the almighty, and she loves him for him, and who he is, and who he is to her, and who he has been to her, and all that he is for her, as the lord who is the creator. And she, bowed and humble, come before him, wanting only to love and please, wanting only to fulfill and cherish, as she treasures his every word, as she truly cherishes him, as the one that is all, the all that is one, the source, the only true one, the almighty. And he as the only true one, calls her his child, treats her as someone dear, someone special, to whom she belongs. To whom she is birthed debt, lovingly paid, to whom with all of her she is owed, and whom holds the keys to her heart, and knows her in a way which even she truly does not know herself. He loves her for her, just her, loves her for everything they have been through, and she loves him the same, known by his heart, and his name, as she sees him and knows the one she calls Pa, Grandfather Elohim, the source of all things, the highest creator, the only true one, the almighty, and she sees him with a childish heart, as a daughter would her lord, , and knows him as she radiates to see him radiate before her by his loving kindness as the loving divine, his valiant, noble demeanor, with a holy royal pose, and a manner that is of grace beyond providence, for he is of an ever flowing kindness that burns as a hot coal, in the heart of all who look upon it, though it may burn with the unfathomable brilliance of the unknowable knowing, the infinite source, the all of all, the source, the only true one, the almighty, endearing humor, the light in his eyes, a beautiful overwhelming love that is gentle, and with the sweetest touch, with just enough softness to fulfill to the brim, the overflowing cup of the heart. Who paves the road to him, with a watchful eye, a strong arm, and a guiding hand, with brilliance, with mastery, with an endowing wisdom that bestows the one with the wisdom to travel the road, from the first step, to the one that takes one before him. And to the last step, which is to the knees, begging for his embrace, let us make haste less we tarry, to meet the lord, at the end of the road.
Almighty and scornful, never-ending faith and forgiving, no fighting nor evil, don't you believe? Praying to stop what never ends, is there more than one God? Are we all confused? The weak came calling where is the shelter or warth? Is the weary dead already, nothing is higher than you, your sons blood payed our sins, so nervous are there who displease him fell upon them so, once replaced with others of forgotten faith, break is his anger that's hidden well, those that are lost he won't forget while others do, who else is always there for you, satan hides from the purges expelled, can heaven ever be nothing but good? God almighty, god the savory hides us from evil so, never ending or evil, he is all that we have in the end.
Every creature adores the almighty
With reverend certainty
From the magnificent ocean
To the tiny grain of sand
Writing a poem is not about bringing some words together to create some charming sentences. It's so much deeper than that. Writing poetry is a bridge that allows people to express their feelings and make others live every single word they read. Poetry is to educate people, to lead them away from hate to love, from violence to mercy and pity. Writing poetry is to help this community better understand life and live it more passionately. contains an enormous number of famous poems from all over the world, by both classical and modern poets. You can read as many as you want, and also submit your own poems to share your writings with all our poets, members, and visitors.