Stairway To Heaven And Hell Poem by Richard De La Cruz

Stairway To Heaven And Hell

Life is a roller coaster
without a stop
to those who are without
the aspect of life is quite a lot
thus only a few understand the call

Individuals are awaken
others are at last
a simply mind can not
understand this without
the path of enlightened enlightenment

Humans are reverse
thus a cure needs to be fixed
a calm must be taken
but a fight is a fight
nemesis will strive to a downfall

We are not in childish mentality
thus I wonder
why truth plays hide and seek
why lies are around me
like ferocious animal preying

My mind whisper in brevity
everything is found but its hidden
Im taciturn on the thought
I balance myself
like the Yin- yang
thus I'm both

A lady appeared to me
and asked
which stairway will you grasp
I wonder of no thought
Stairway to hell I choose
with no regret or remorse

As i thought why live in
a slavish purpose
why not believe
in the experience of thyself
instead of the others

I can't let fear trespass my presence
as I ponder why individuals
are more immune to despair
instead of bliss

Richard De La Cruz

Richard De La Cruz

Dominican Republic
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