Starting Over Poem by Eric Joseph Lopez

Starting Over

Dragged and raped covered in blood
Laying here waiting for the flood
Darkness all around
In a shallow grave surrounded by blood stained thorns
To dark to see
But sure can feel
Large beast tearing through the skin
While tiny ants feasting
Hands are tied behind back
Why I was vulnerable to be hack
Screaming in pain and agony
No more peace nor harmony

But it was just a dream
Something close in reality if only you knew what I mean
So I grab my karaoke mic and open virtual DJ
Put on Orgy song call Blue Monday
Next song will be Slipknot Wait & Bleed
Or maybe God Smack song call Greed
It doesn’t matter really
Lol am just being plain silly
But a friend once said where I once work
Place was sickening either puke or choke
You have to laugh I ask why
It’s either you give in or laugh till you cry

No matter how hard the going gets
Live life with no regrets
Laugh and smile all the way
Will have peace well almost each day
Hard lesson learn
Play with fire sure to get burn
Here I stand after a blow nearly send me underground
Was weak back then didn’t put up a fight as I got pound
Stronger now than I was before
Shattered the dark memories which was the core
Was like slitting my wrist as the evil flow
Standing on the four roads now, wondering which way shall I go

Eric Joseph Lopez

Eric Joseph Lopez

Trinidad & Tobabgo
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