Steps! Poem by Randy McClave


We're now all grown
What we want is already known,
Let's not waste anymore moments or time
Unto the soul that is a crime.
Let's be honest and always sincere
Every confusing matter before us shall become clear,
Be yourself and not anyone else is true
While knowing no one will ever beat you.
May you enjoy the dew from heaven above
May you find the lord Jesus's love,
No longer may you ponder or worry or fight
May you instead find great insight.
Have a wisdom to solve all your issues
Instead of answering it with tears and tissues,
You will be honored before your superiors and your colleagues
From all areas and spiritual bodies.
Shame and disaster will be so far away
As for you, I will always constantly pray,
Then you will return home with your testimony
Along with Gods's grace and a church ceremony.
Now look at me through your glasses
As time quickly passes,
God forgives, and man accepts
All you need now, is to take a couple steps.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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