Still Have Some Time... Poem by Elizabeth Hunt

Still Have Some Time...

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In such a hurry to sprout wings and fly away. The innocents is lost
without a single thought. So ready to take in the world. So egar to
make a name for yourself. Slow down little rasscle you still have
sometime. So much on your mind but even more on your heart. You want
someone to listen, and a voice brave enough to tell. You look for the
right things in all the wrong places. Investing so much in others but
place no stock in yourself. Blind to all the wonders you have to
offer. You walk through life always doing at others suggestions. So
brave and fearless, but yet so timid and introverted. Always what
everyone else needs but never what you want. Oh how the spider weaves
a tangled web. That person who knows way to much and is way to wise to
be of your age. Yet still so desperate to know the blissful innocents
of an adolencent. Always looking to be loved because it fills the void
of love you do not have for yourself. In a sense you need someone to
love to keep yourself going. But without that what is their...
Nothing. You put on the best shows fir those who wish to see. When you
look at your best is when things are the worse. You have the ability
to see right through people. But have to great extents to barely be
seen. You hold such fear. Fear of so many thing. But you never let it
show. You' ve always believed that the weak shall parish. And the the
strong shall survive. So you made yourself strong. But keeping
yourself so weak. In a race against time to save yourself. You hope
that everything will be ok but hope cannot hold it's own against your
reality. So ready to be free of all the thoughts that keep you down.
'If the heart is always searching will you ever find a home'. You hope
for that one day. When you'll call the shots and make yourself happy.
Endless questions come along with the last statement. But none will be
answered untill you make it. Now never let anything get in your way
and you'll take it. Seeing us believing my love. Take one step at a
time and never loose sight. Your a shooting star a couple of years on
the rise. So slow down little rasscle you still have sometime...

Elizabeth Hunt

Elizabeth Hunt

BayShore, NY
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