Straddler Of Worlds Poem by Rod M.Peters

Straddler Of Worlds

Surf on the crest of a solar flare
Skirting the icy suburbs
Of a glowing Mercury.
String the Pleiades in a star necklace
For the weeping lady of the Moon.

Sit on the curbside
By the rings of Saturn
And watch the comets steal in
Through the backdoor
From the coal-black alley.

Take leave for once of your backwater post
That's kept you tied down wingless
For years on end.
You are the phantom straddler of worlds,
Of the great and the small,
Of the humdrum and the marvelous.

Wednesday, December 27, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: free mind,imagination
bri edwards 12 February 2018

, Laurie caught the typo first! ! : (

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bri edwards 12 February 2018

** HUMDRUM: adjective: 1. lacking excitement or variety; dull; monotonous. // synonyms: mundane, dull, dreary, boring, tedious, monotonous, uninvolving, prosaic; unexciting, uninteresting, uneventful, unvaried, repetitive, unremarkable; routine, ordinary, everyday, day-to-day, workaday, quotidian, run-of-the-mill, commonplace, garden variety, pedestrian..........................BRI ;)

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bri edwards 12 February 2018

i understand humdrum **! it's ME. the rest is very astronomical, which is neither a positive nor a negative comment. you have fun writing about this, don't you! ? (TO BE CONTINUED) ....

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Rod Mendieta 13 February 2018

Oh indeed, and no, I don't smoke any weed! Some of us just have weird stuff in the gullivera (that's Clockwork Orange slang for head) .

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Laurie van der Hart 29 December 2017

Wow, Rod, this is imaginative! I'm ready to take off... Line: You are the phantom straddler or words - did you mean worlds, or is it a reference to poets as creators of new worlds?

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Rod Mendieta 03 January 2018

Boy, you have a blessed pair of eyes there; sure can spot a typo miles away! Thanks Laurie, will correct immediately.

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Rod M.Peters

Rod M.Peters

San José, Costa Rica
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