Superman-Injustice Poem by Kumbirai Thierry Nhamo


Rating: 5.0

In the world where justice reigns,
Superman was once a hero of great fame,
But as fate would have it, he fell from grace,
And his fall was swift, without a trace.

It all started with a tragedy so grave,
The Joker killed Lois, and she couldn't be saved,
Superman lost his mind, he lost control,
And it was his friends and foes who paid the toll.

Friends like Batman and Wonder Woman,
Who once stood beside him, were forced to run,
This new superman, he was no longer just,
He was a villain, in his mind, he had his trust.

The Green Lantern Corps, they came to stop him,
And he took them down, with no sign of whim,
His power was uncontrollable, his rage beyond,
And those who dare defy, would soon be gone.

Even the Justice League, which he once led,
Were helpless to stop him, as his power spread,
In his mind, he was doing what was right,
But he was blinded by his own shining light.

The people of Earth were now under his rule,
And those who dared resist, were seen as a fool,
No more could they look to him for hope,
As their savior had become the world's biggest dope.

In the end, it was Superman himself who fell,
He couldn't bear the burden, couldn't handle the sell,
He died by his own hands, and the world wept,
For the hero they loved, the hero they once kept.

And so, the lesson learned from this tragic tale,
Is that with great power, there must be great bail,
One must always be vigilant, stay true to their cause,
Or else they too, may succumb to the dark's great pause.

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