Tadghy Duggan Poem by Francis Duggan

Tadghy Duggan

Tadghy Duggan of Millstreet was one of the first if not the first in Duhallow to sell the first make of Hotpoint washing machine
To the housewives of the nineteen fifties this was the best thing that they ever had seen
In his truck he brought machines to homes for to give a washing display
And it was known that he sold quite a few washing machines every day

Tadghy Duggan the first i knew of in Duhallow when not many in Ireland
Could speak in French and the words of different languages did understand
For the most part self educated he was one of a brilliant mind
And it could be truly said of him that he was one of a rare kind

Since he was one in thinking who did seem well ahead of his time
And it did seem a pity that he did leave Millstreet when he was in his life's prime
For to travel and try out his luck in the big World out there
And what was a huge loss to Duhallow was surely a gain to elsewhere

For Tadghy he was a young man who was born with a brilliant brain
I knew him just for awhile only and never did see him again
One in Millstreet in Duhallow who would not grow old and gray
The lust of the wander was in him for places and lands far away

He was indeed quite a salesman one with a charm of his own
Tadghy Duggan throughout Duhallow was a man who was well liked and well known
I often wonder where he went to and where he might be at today
I can only hope he is alive and happy and healthy and that he is feeling okay.

Thursday, February 16, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: people
from 'rhymeonly'
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