Tainted Poem by Lyrael Myrna


Rating: 5.0

You said you would love me no matter what
You said I was yours and you were mine
You said I would never be lost by you
You said too many lies that I could handle

I’m on the edge of breaking down
I’m on the top of falling over
Who’s That Girl you always talk about?
What makes her different from me?

Your eyes are stranding from mine
Looking past to see a world of better people
So you think letting me go would make you happy
Go find That Girl and live your crazy life

I’m on the edge of breaking down
I’m on the top of falling over
Who’s That Girl you talk about?
What makes her different from me?

You’ve never really seen me cry
But That Day I lost all my un-human traits
I used to say you made me smile
But now I’ve forgotten everything

I’m on the edge of breaking down
I’m on the top of falling over
Who’s That Girl you talk about?
I know that That Girl is not me

You’ve painted a lie
Ruined my life
Strung me along
Cutting my soul

You’ve forgotten me
Forgotten my life
Forgotten our love
Forgotten my heart
Was ripped to pieces

You’ve tainted my dreams
Felt other things
Knew all along
It would rip me to pieces

IT'S ME K.S.Z. 09 December 2005

Wow, if you replace him with her this would be talking about me. I feel this poem and can feel the pain for I am going through that now.

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Lyrael Myrna

Lyrael Myrna

Ballarat, Australia :)
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