Take A Deep Breath Poem by John Sensele

Take A Deep Breath

Take a deep breath before leaping into a precipice
Led by wrath, impulse or more boredom
Brought about by temporary absence which peace
To test your resolve injects into your home.

Take a deep breath and wake up your radar
Sent to sleep by your base emotions that pander to whims
Driven insane by inane considerations under
Conditions of opacity in a city on sanity's rims.

Take a deep breath before you jeopardize
A bright job career by incompetence and insolence
Driven to extremes by the larger size
Your ego assumes in relation to sapience and temperance.

Take a deep breath before you fritter away
Opportunities for lifelong friendships built on solid foundations
Over years of diligence to play
And major role in cementing affections without insinuations.

Take a deep breath before you dissuade partners
From joint ventures planned for tomorrow or the day after
When clumsiness turns away gardeners
God sent along to meet your at your church's altar.

Take a deep breath before reading too much
Into a simple misunderstanding or misreading
Of data incorrectly read in breach
Of standard protocols in honest or dishonest player seeding.

Thursday, September 15, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: poems
John Sensele

John Sensele

Ndola, Zambia
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