Take My Hand Poem by JAMES T. ADAIR

Take My Hand

Would you love me always?
Forever and a day?
Would you notice me crying?
And seek to kiss my tears away?

Would you give me treasures simple?
Straight from your heart?
Would you stay by my side always?
And never part?

Would you see the good in me always?
Even when I doubt myself?
Would you seek to lift me up?
When I'm crawling and down and out?

Would you bake me a cake?
And give me birthday kisses sweet?
Would you love me with affection?
Would you seek to make me complete?

Would you notice me when my spirits are low?
Would you sit by my side silently to let me know?
Would you hold my hand and snuggle with me?
At the movies or watching TV?

Would you dine with me in luxury?
Or in rustic setting and still feel the same?
Would you always feel a tinge of love?
Upon hearing my name?

Would you make love to me in your heart?
Would you surrender your body to my every part?
Would you always treasure the love we make?
Would you give me kindness instead of heartbreak?

Would your heart long for me while I was away?
Would you keep me in your prayers each night when you pray?
Would you lay close to me and feel happy and sound?
Would you take joy in my being around?

Would you kiss me as I went out to work?
And hug me when I come home and walk through the door?
Would you love me for what I am and not long for more?
Would you love me whether we're rich or poor?

Would you sit by my side each week at mass?
Would you glance at me lovingly and grip my hand?
Would you love me regardless of my class?
Would you always seek to know the real me and understand?

Would you always see the child in me?
And know when to hold tight and when to hold softly?
Would you be proud of me no matter what I decide to be?
Would you always want to be the closest person to me?

Would you take the chance to keep romance?
Would you become One with me?
Would you take that chance?
Would you stay true and forever be?

Would you always be the best part of me?
Would you love me in spite of any calamity?
Would you Kiss me each night when we sleep?
Would you always stay in love with me?

Would you dare to love with your childs heart?
Would you swear we'll never every part?
Would you wait for me while I settle my life?
Would you dream of being my true wife?

If this was all part of fate and not happenstance
Would you believe and take a chance
Because true love is in our grasp
Take my hand and we’ll follow romance

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