'Talkin 'bout My Generation Poem by Francie Lynch

'Talkin 'bout My Generation

In the North we had the cold war. Sirens screamed; we crouched under desks, thin arms covering thinner heads. We were pre-Pompeii petrifies waiting for a future dig. We never left an atomic shadow.
Thissums up all life-threatening fears of the Boomer Generation, the Echoes, and A's through Z's. Of course, we Boomers back then were too young to worry.

We've never had planes or bombs fall from our skies.
We've never had a crop blight, famine or drought.
Food has never been rationed.
Hurricanes, cyclones, typhoons or tornados don't happen here;
We get snowfalls we plow through till they melt.
Flooding is seasonal, geographically isolated, and dealt with.
We've had no great fires or earthquakes like San Fran or London.
We've never been drafted, and only go to wars of our own choosing.
We have not been invaded or occupied;
P.E.I. has no extermination crematoriums.
We avoided Inquisitions, Salem witch hunts and Small Pox blankets.
We've had no Race Riots, but a few barricades have gone up and down.

Death comes to us as to all. Car accidents, dumb-ass accidents, and even murder. Though never expected, always anticipated. We grieve, some longer than others. It's not easy, but we manage the shock.

When the glaciers float past the coasts of New Brunswick, my generation (and probably yours)will have been replaced.

But now! We're asked to Social Distance and wash with soap and water. In Canada we have plenty of both. I'll gladly occupy my three square feet of space for a few paltry weeks. No complaints. No asinineTP runs. Just behaving myself, HUMANELY.

Thursday, March 19, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: death,disasters,disease,earthquake,environment,fires,isolation,panic,sickness,virus
Francie Lynch

Francie Lynch

Monaghan, Ireland
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