Tearless Memories Poem by carlo sangutan

Tearless Memories

Rating: 5.0

I never forget
The memories in the past that I get;
Moments remain in the mindset,
When happiness and sadness have met.

Lola’s store was the first place,
Where I and my cousin got packs of Ace;
Lola suddenly saw us and did a chase,
As we did this for more than two days.

To my cousin’s house, we then went to sing,
To forget what we did to the store of Lola Turing;
One’s turn suddenly led into boxing
Because of the delayed song choosing.

Again, the next day, we were together
With other cousins and went to the river;
Playing tadpoles but here came my father,
I run but slipped and thought my life was over.

Another day, I saw a dog eating something,
That time, I didn’t know what I was thinking;
I planned to throw that something away and bring
Cleanliness but sad to say, the dog, on me, was biting.

I started to study in school one year after,
But being naughty was not yet over;
Cut classes to slide on mountains with laughter,
But punishment from parents then came later.

What a sad yet funny experience
To treasure for future’s good sense;
I’ll share them to make them dense,
And protect them by a strong fence.

Mohammad Akmal Nazir 27 June 2011

Nice poem composed with vivid imagery. I liked the theme very much. Kudos to your skill. Keep it up. I rated it 10. Thanks for sharing..... I shall be highly obliged if you please read and rate my poem 'A humble complaint' on page 2. Warmest regards Akmal

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