Tears Of A Broken Heart Poem by Moffat Thepoet

Tears Of A Broken Heart

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Am bonded between lies and secrets
I've lost control of life
I've lost control of my feelings
I've lost control of my emotions
I've hurt a little but many are after me

What is life when you can't feel anything
What is life when everything you see is taken
What is life when the people you believe in
Don't believe in you
What is life when you love people wholeheartedly
But they go to any length and hurt you repeatedly

I tried to fall in love, I ended up falling apart
I tried to trust the person, but was taught a lesson
I had all it takes to move on but couldn't break the bond
Had all the evidence that I was not alone but my heart was still in a bond

Everywhere I go they whisper failure
When I look at I cry
I try not to cry thinking maybe I'd die but it's a lie
God still tells me' you have a future
Enjoy the torture because it won't last
Your success will soon vast
You will sit down relaxed and enjoy my righteousness
The angels are my witness'.....

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