Temptations Pass You By, (True Meaning Of Lent) Poem by Frank (popeye) Pulver

Frank (popeye) Pulver

Frank (popeye) Pulver

born-(Hudson, New York) - raised-(Tampa, Florida)

Temptations Pass You By, (True Meaning Of Lent)

Temptations Pass You By, — True meaning of Lent-

As I think about things in the darkness of night,
There is something that turns that darkness into light.
The darkest of night is presented by the things that happened and not planned,
And the Light is presented by what the Lord does for us and we try to understand.
So as we all walk and wander lost and go around,
We need to seek the LORD and ask him to help us get found.
This makes me want to make that I do everything for Christ and be fair,
Taking this time to develop the daily strength and discipline the bonding time and prayer.
It is also good for me to think of the positive things in life and put them in their place,
Living a life like this will keep Christ in your heart and showing of your face.
So as we think about the things that and go and tempt us from the start,
We should remember Do What Jesus Would Do in our heart.
By remember the Story of Jesus being tempted in the desert by Satan for 40 Days/Nights.
And how Jesus looked at him and then bent and prayed until He saw the True Light.
Satan asked Him if you are hungry and you are the Son of God then you can turn this stone to bread.
Jesus answered, and said I am the Son of God and man cannot live on bread alone, but on the words that come out of God's mouth instead.
As Satan took Christ up to the top of the Holy City, and He asked Christ if you the Son of God then throw yourself down and have the angles lift you up and prove me that you are the best.
Well Christ answered him that it is written not to put god to the test.
Finally Satan took Jesus up very high and showed him the kingdoms of the world and said this can be yours if you bend down and worship me.
Jesus looked at him and told to back away because it is written that Iam here to worship my Father only.
But also think of the things that Christ would want us to do,
For God will help you and deliver you through.

By Frank Pulver- Desmond Titus
Salvation Army — Salvation Army
Lakeland, Fl — Salisbury, Wiltshire(England)

March 10,2011

Frank (popeye) Pulver

Frank (popeye) Pulver

born-(Hudson, New York) - raised-(Tampa, Florida)
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