Ten Count Poem by Alibo Terna Timothy

Ten Count

Rating: 4.5

Down for the count
-with a eyes bloodshot
Trying to tower the hill top
Exigent circumstance trying to put me stop
Life has taught me to be prepared for whatever
But I wasn't listening
so I got knocked by a punch
I was too blind to see
I took the free-fall
Hooping the fence
even tall men fall from
That's my quest
and the price is a rose gold.
It's a struggle everyday
and even your own weight is super heavy to carry
But i go through with a smile
Because I let God in
So I get back up-
Ready for another punch
Who say I can't withstand the storm
When I'm the storm!
I'll never stay down
The whole ten count.

Saturday, June 16, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: life
Armin 17 June 2018

I got a ☺ because Let god in So got back believing in myself n believing in god

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Dr Antony Theodore 16 June 2018

But i go through with a smile Because I let God in So I get back up-..... believing in self and believing in God and His protective hands............. faith in God and faith in onself....... God bless u for this poem dear poet. tony

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Alibo Terna Timothy

Alibo Terna Timothy

Sokoto, Nigeria
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