Thank You For Making Us All So Proud! Poem by Guneev Kaur

Thank You For Making Us All So Proud!

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The podium,
That one over the top.
You won,
We cried.
Once yet not twice,
A mesmerizing moment.
Hope isn't a word,
Yet the best can be used.
The top haul ever,
Centuries awaited.
The girl of smashes,
Was prudently extravagant to set a record.
The other to lift,
Short yet so strapping.
The wrestling kings,
So brawny and tough.
Ravi and Bajrang,
Flew so swiftly!
Our boys of hope,
Those of glory.
Brought back the not lost,
Yet that one of national sport.
There on the last,
The Golden Boy of India,
Powerfully reckoned a stuff,
For that clinched our hearts so deep.
The gold for us,
Shinny and too great!
Gold, silver, bronze,
These champions conquered them all.
After years of diligence,
A lifetime of dedication.
Not just them,
We'd so many just next to the honour,
The Indian hockey women were more the powerpack.
Why to forget that young golfer?
Not just them,
Yet so many who were so close.
Who brought back respect,
Who showed the love.
An insight for India,
The pride of India.
Thank you for making us all so proud,
Our happiness then and now is over the cloud!

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