That Criminal Secret Code Poem by Michael Walkerjohn

That Criminal Secret Code

in the drink!
Antartican Slink!
The underworld's link
to the upper world's stink!
Then that proverbial stool happens!
I, had to remember; to activate my army!
From the falling failing brooding blood
of humanity! With the point of one
of my index fingers! The files
opened the phuuck up!
Am I perfect? "Phuuck
me running… up the hill"!
Jack and Jill swigged the blood
of the slaughter! And then ate all
the flesh that they could! Good eats!
From the frozen freezer section at that
portal! Mortals taken by I.C.E.! Nice
with Kabsa rice! Share a left handed grab
of camel, goat, and lamb after midnight with me?
That secret hades is overflowing. Cause' I, got it going
off! After a thousand years of Me! They got the message!
It took more than a moment, in universal tongues and times
because… I, had so very much fun! Phuucking with all them
bitches and wholes! What was I to screw? All the light bulbs
were on and working! So, the story goes like so… I, went
there! I came, I sawed, and I conquered! Or, so the story
supposed, or conjectured, or proposed, of reflected
expectations that were questioned; by earthly
authorities? What authority upon this rock
in space has any power over little ole me?
Do not be fools! IAM not requiring you
to bow your eyes to me! IAM willing
to share my ayes or my nays with
every body around these here
parts! Do you read me clearly!
Dark Angels came. What a load
of angel spooge too! My Mother!
showers in angel spooge! That is really
erotic and exotic and incitingly riche!
My Mommie is the Number One Witch
in the entire phuucking universe! Do not doubt this!
As IAM the child of "The Eagle and The Dove"! Read me?
Dark Angel spooge is loaded with code. The code reads
something alike this. With loads of letters to all of my friends!
And believe you in me and this… I have gazillions of friends!
Big Bad Wicked Mean Evil Nasty Friends!
Still, My wings! Or those earthquakes will reign
supremely over the entire globe! And the hosts from
heaven will provide the strobe lights, the cameras the
laughing! As you and all of your asp wholes; gets swallowed
by the imploding stone! That is molten! Whoa! Some image this!
No where to run! Nowhere to whist! Over done in an instant!
Well done, I insist! Pictures at an exhibition this will be!
And then, no more worries! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHa!
Nine, number nine? What pray tell me is the time?
Too wrap me up in the awe of this wright and to
express my pleasure at you reading this write.
On schedule…. My witch is due in… and I must
be driving ‘ill red" to the shoo fly inn… Redondo!
So, I dress my flesh in invisible traces of that criminal
enterprise of innuendo and minutiae… and get ready to
go and meet whomever it is IAM to meet this daze!
Hopefully not the circus caged clowns of the religiosity!
ridiculous as a can of nasty rotten peas! With a mindset
that that read… is yet all that! Each of those monkeys
should learn the "Greek"; and then they would be weeping
urine from their eyes, noses and ear hoses! And what a
gnashing of rotten teeth will be heard! Dumb phuucking
monkey people! Swinging from every crippled churchy steeple
seeped in payments not to the tax base or to the banksters! These
lazy thieving loathsome lisping beasts only seek coin to keep for
themselves! And I got the low down on all of this clowning around
from my secret codes!

Saturday, June 4, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: secrets
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