That is intangible.
How can you touch it?
That is imperceptible.
How can you perceive it?
I know you want to give vent
to your natural love to see
What is beyond sight and out of hearing.
And that's the only way you know
How to express your inborn desire
to reach the unreachable.
I'm telling you,
it's going to be okay if you do it,
Believing that to be your truest essence.
But how could you stop yourself
from such an irresistible desire,
When it is inherently the divine within
desiring to play Hide & seek by Himself?
How could any other, not burning with this fire,
Know what is the mystery of the Divine love,
That is beyond the scope of human mind?
Shut up, you ignorant!
You don't know what's in a lover's head.
You don't know what is love, lover & loved.
You don't know why lovers behave this way.
Sit, please, just sit next to lovers, please.
And then you'll understand why Farhad
Went out with a sculptor's hand,
To carve a staircase into the mountain.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
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