The Abyss Of Nowhere Poem by Rik Bertrand

The Abyss Of Nowhere

I am not here, you don't see me.
I do not exist, fore I never was.
Do not question that I speak,
For I do not hear, therefore
I do not listen.

You may take what I say,
And pass down as nonsense.
It has been taken that way in the past,
And it will again in the future.

You must believe in what I say,
For you have made it this far.
You read on as if this is the word.
You are smart in knowing the truth.

Life Is not what it seems,
This world you see is all in your dreams.
You are here and I am not,
Yet you read my words as if I were.

Will they disappear when you look away?
Will you still hear my voice in your head?
I am here but I am not with you now,
Do not ask me the why or the how.

This world is not as we know it,
It is not as we see it.
It is something other than what it is,
And we shall never experience its truth.

Just live, just carry on with the nothing,
Walk the path into the abyss of nowhere.
You are there and I am here and that is all there is,
My thoughts are with you for I do not speak.

REB (APRIL 2012) because if you think about it life just doesn't make sense.

Rik Bertrand

Rik Bertrand

Portland, Oregon
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