The Animal Kingdom Poem by Joshua Adeyemi

The Animal Kingdom

Chain of Wittious act,
absurdities in her prime:
Animal Kingdom.

I had heard a tale,
Of a kingdom where truth fail:
Where lamb and lion exchange mail- -

They'd summoned a meeting
Of all junglers and hunting
Panthers whose livelihood
Is the depth of the forest hood,
And all had paid homage to the king:
All, even the edge head crawling sting.

The moon had stealed from the window,
To hear them: For they'd gathered at 'fore morrow.

The Lion- King of Kings had
Greeted first, while others had
Stylishly made folly of their
Exhibitions: Hissing snakes, hopping deers.

'Well, This meeting' the Lion started,
'Is for a tail's tale and a political game,
Which will wrought us lame or fame'.

Impatient Snake hissed: 'Greatest, did speak
We're of all ears, let your glottis leak'.

'Hey, young man me so nu igi' -
The deer 'And let's listen'.

Then President Lion continued:
'Peace all! Let this be an avenue,
To resound this as an hectic law,
That had struggled with time without flaws,
That recession here is long and done,
So we must ransack human purse'.

'In clear terms' said the monkey,
'Clearer sir' added the Dragon in hurry.

'Tis my emphasis: We're fed to
Stupor with usual meal. So
Let make a try of change of meal
And for our very self did see
And taste what this humans crave
For, Work for and even for which they misbehave.'

'Money you mean? ' The impatient snake.
'Yes', He replied for impatience sake.

'We will send the littlest chopper first,
Smaller to bigger, be our quest,
Then if successful we'll send others,
Swallowing more money as ordered'.

'Let me go first', screamed the snake.
'You'll when it's time', the Lion had a break.

And now see, they'd came,
And wrought us in wits lame:
The rats had came for their own turn,
Then the snake, dragon, monkey swallowing billions.
Animals are no longer contended with what they have,
Now, It's for money they did starve.
Banana would not sooth the monkey anymore,
Tubers for rats, pest for snake 're not enough.

You'll see many more animals will come yet to Aso Rock:
The greatest Animal Kingdom.
18: 04: 04: 21: 29

Poet's Note:
Here In Nigeria, It had been said that animals crept into offices to swallow money, which means animals are not contented with what nature give them anymore but now rethink to eat money? See, we can apply wisdom! Spiritual or not, the truth must be told.
This poem is a satire: a scorn of the goverment. Those down-to-earth lairs. Heaven Knows the next lie their laborating to be propounded.

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