Callous Harmattan Clutched Poem by Joshua Adeyemi

Callous Harmattan Clutched

Rating: 4.0

bounty body blushing
heaving hoisted hankering
under tainted touch
callous harmattan clutched
felon feelings fostering
damped desires drooling

smoggy soles scrunching
gaunt hands groaning
laced lips whitening

la-de-da limbs lurching
voluptuous treachery vying
indifferent services squashing

damped faces drying
nocturnal nature smirking.
    20: 01: 04: 11: 17

~Note~ Dedicated to this crazy harmattan.

Callous Harmattan Clutched
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: weather
Bernard F. Asuncion 22 January 2020

A well composed poem of the day. Congrats on your featured piece...10+++👌👏😊

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Edward Kofi Louis 22 January 2020

Harmattan! ! ! ! Africa! ! ! ! With the muse of nature. Thanks for sharing this poem with us.

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A B Faniki 05 January 2020

Well penned. I love the flow and rhythm of words. TYFS

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Terry Dawson 08 February 2020

In its soul the harsh wind is heartless, but magnificent! Good words, Adeyems

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Kingsley Egbukole 22 January 2020

The harsh effects of harmattan beautifully captured

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Mahtab Bangalee 22 January 2020

beautiful poem penned ///now dejected and cast down the nature; we the dweller of earth by our craziness destroy the loving, soft body of nature but every year we raise slogan to save the world, to save the environment, to save the green earth shamelessly////

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Chinedu Dike 22 January 2020

A poignant bit of verse on the cold dry wind that sweeps across some parts of Africa from Sahara desert, during certain parts of the year, well captured with its unpleasant effects. An insightful creation written with clarity of thought and mind. Thanks for sharing, Joshua.

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Dr Antony Theodore 22 January 2020

la-de-da limbs lurching voluptuous treachery vying indifferent services squashing damped faces drying nocturnal nature smirking. great poem.. tony

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