The Begger Poem by jodlizbeth dominic

The Begger

On the way to my journey
I haven't seen the beggar
My expectations lost
Money kept in my hand
To give for the begger
Sat in one side of the footpath
Like a small folded umbrella
Under the shade he got
An advertisement board
Beggars a very few seen
In the bus hubs one
but never expected there
Anyway felt mercy to him
Have urgent works in office
But interested to give him
He was ugly in looking
Somehow felt kindness
One stretcher was kept in side
What happened that one
I kept back the money in my purse
My thought was about that beggar
That days my work finished well
Then evening I returned from workplace
Started to walk along the same path
I suddenly saw that person sitting
In the same place last day seen
Then open the bag and given
Some more money even that was less
I became happy to see and gave him
He was not at all a friend but a poor
If I not seen that less mannered man
My mind will not close the thinking
What happened to that old beggar
Kindness and love towards the people
Whatever my be that will feel as a loss
And unhappiness even for a beggar
Kindness looking with her heart to treat
With her own risk to eat the happiness
Of giving and sharing to the needed
- jokudengpoms 2021
-jodlizbeth, dominic

Kindness looking with her heart to treat with her own risk to eat the happiness of giving and sharing to the needed
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