The Best Poem Comes From The Heart Poem by Kenneth Maswabi

The Best Poem Comes From The Heart

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Poetry is not a contact sport
It is an infiltration into the deepest parts of being
You don't have to be big and have gigantic stature to excel
You just need to have a heart that is open and humble
The lessons of poetry are everywhere
Scattered by the winds of the spirit
Like seedlings, they sprout out of the unknown
Carrying loads of hope and life
And sometimes pain, sorrow and tears
The best poem comes from the heart
Not to stab and ferociously attack others
But to bring meaning to their situation or circumstances
And hopefully bring healing to their lives
We are all afflicted by many illness
Some are difficult to spot and diagnose
Embedded deep in our psyches and spirit
They need specialists to identify and destroy them
There are no better tools than words
To penetrate the deepest parts of our being
And dissect the most complex situations and circumstances
Spiritual illnesses like loneliness and despair are neglected
Spiritual medications like Love and hope are shunned
Only the best poem can dispense these sacred pearls
Into a world that is hostile and full of recklessness
Pride and ego have put a barrier around our minds and lives
Logic has poisoned most of our fellow human beings
We are living in an upside down world
Where the most basic lessons of enlightenment are seen as madness
Spirituality is not palatable to many people's tongues
Poetry is a bandage that can wrap around our wounds and tongues
Until our body, mind and soul find healing
This is the reason why we are obsessed with writing poetry
To touch the heart of humanity and heal the world

Inspired by Poet Naitwa Lewis


The Best Poem Comes From The Heart
This poem is my heart speaking.
Kenneth Maswabi

Kenneth Maswabi

Maun, Botswana
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