The Bird To Salvation Poem by Randy McClave

The Bird To Salvation

It was a very cold and snowy day in December
Christ's birthday was coming soon the day that all Christian's remember,
In a house over there, there is a loving family of three
A husband and his wife and their child, all but one did believe.
It was a very cold Sunday morning
The husband was happy, the wife was sad and mourning,
The husband was in his pajamas eager to start his day
While the wife and their child was preparing to leave for church and pray.
The wife once again asked her husband to go to church with them
Listening to the word of God as a family and then sing a hymn,
But, once again the husband's reply was a definite, "No! "
To church with his wife and child he again refused to go.
Again and again the wife pleaded with him why not go to church with us
Then the husband got bothered, and began to rant and fuss,
The husband then said with confusion and doubt if you tell me just why
God, the creator of everything, why did he come down as a man to die.
Why would God the supreme ultimate being come down to earth
As a baby and unto a woman and then be given a normal birth,
Why would God come to earth as a mere man and not as almighty God
Where everyone would be in reverence and awed.
The wife and their child then left for the front door with tears
As she thought life could end in hours, days and weeks not only in years,
And she wanted her husband to find Jesus though salvation
And that as well would strengthen their soul and their relation.
Then the husband thought what his wife had said as he strolled about
Thinking how sad that he felt when he caused his wife to pout,
Then he headed to the kitchen to make himself some lunch
He looked to find himself something to snack upon, and munch.
Then through his bay window the husband then sadly viewed
A tiny bird on his driveway freezing and pecking through the snow for food,
But, no food by that tiny bird could be found
And the man then knew that soon that bird would be death bound.
The man ran back into his kitchen and then he grabbed some slices of bread
By him he then thought soon that innocent bird would be fed,
He crumbled up the bread and then tossed the bread at the bird's feet
But, the wind and the snow covered up the bread before the bird's first tweet.
Then he thought to himself what else could he do
As he thought why south for warmth and safety didn't that poor tiny bird flew,
Then he thought to save that birds life he opened his garage door up
Then he placed bread crumbs in the middle of the floor in a large cup.
But, the tiny bird stood frightened of the man and refused to enter in
Even though food and warmth and safety was there deep within,
The man then thought if only that bird had some belief and trust
Then that sad tiny bird wouldn't be freezing and starving with every cold gust.
The man then sat and pondered for the longest while
Then upon his face finally came a thought and belief with a smile,
He thought if only that he could transform himself into a tiny bird
Then that bird would be saved, as it would then trust in his every word.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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