In the dawn of freedom,
A dream took flight,
A land once bound,
Now sought the light.
India stood,
With hopes anew,
To carve a path for the many,
Not the few.
From centuries of rule,
The chains undone,
A new chapter for all had begun.
In a hall of wisdom,
Voices soared,
To write the law,
The people's sword.
B R Ambedkar,
With steady hand,
Crafted justice for a divided land.
With ink and thought,
Through day and night,
He shaped a future,
Clear and bright.
Constituent Assembly,
Wise and grand,
Gathered from across the land.
Debates and drafts, ideas entwined,
To build a nation, just and kind.
The Preamble spoke of liberty's flame,
Equality and justice,
Its eternal claim.
A Republic, sovereign and free,
With Fraternity,
Its binding key.
Fundamental Rights,
For every soul,
To live with dignity,
Freedom whole.
The law would guard,
The law would guide,
For every citizen,
Far and wide.
Directive Principles gave the course,
A vision of social justice force.
To lift the poor,
To heal the land,
A guiding light,
A steady hand.
In 1950,
The day had come,
The Constitution,
Our victory drum.
A document of hope,
For all to see,
The foundation of our democracy.
And thus was born,
In wisdom's grace,
A nation's heart,
A sacred space.
The Constitution of India,
Bold and strong,
To guide the right,
To right the wrong.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem