The Brightest Spot On My Desk And In My Heart Poem by Chris Taylor

The Brightest Spot On My Desk And In My Heart

Today's entry is an allegory for what the Lord does for my life everyday. The little Bamboo tree represents my relationship with the Lord and how that relationship brings peace and protection. The world can be a scary place sometimes. But, the Lord is our refuge and our rock; a firm foundation away from the shifting sands of this world. If you don't know the peace of Christ. If your life is in upheaval or you find yourself walking on the shifting sand, it is easy to know Him. Just stop where ever you are, pull the car over, put down the phone, turn down the radio and call out to God in this simple prayer: ' Lord, thank you for your Son Jesus who takes away the sin of the world. Please forgive me of my sin. I no longer want to do it my way. Come into my heart and show me how to live for you. In Jesus' Holy name, amen'. It is that simple; no huge theological prayer, no theatrics, just Jesus meeting you where ever you are. Then, get yourself to a bible believing, and most of all, bible teaching church and 'sit under the tree'. I recommend attending a Calvary Chapel. They are very solid and have a long track record of equipping people with the tools that will keep you on track to serving Him. If you need to find one here is the website and its locations all over this land.

Here is a verse to hold on to: Psalm 94: 22 ' But the LORD has become my fortress, and my God the rock in whom I take refuge.'

Enjoy the poem and read it with an honesty of where you are right now,

The Great Plains Poet

The Brightest Spot On My Desk And In My Heart

a poem by Chris T.

The color of creamy jade sitting in an elephant pot

You grow fervently with so little light; so little heat

Yet every month sprouts a new leaf

The sign of progress; the sign of life

You take your spot in my office

Like a welcoming shade on a blistering day

Organic life which breaks up the doldrum

Giving a soothing place for my weary eyes to rest

My stare starts the imagination

Drifting away from deadlines, payments and struggles

As the stories break through the ethereal and into thought

I pretend I am a lilliputian sitting underneath your breadth

I am at ease under your mighty trunk

I am so tiny and fragile to all

But you spread out your branches

Extending your glory and imparting your peace

I am so thankful for your growth

And that it does not depend on my diligence

For I am weak and can not be faithful

Alas, I am only a man and an average one at best

But you, my dependable bamboo

Are free from worry; free from defect

You carry no disease; you carry no burden

You will always be there; today, tomorrow and forever

How you came to make your place on my desk

And why you carved out a spot in my heart

I'll never understand; I'll never comprehend

For I am grateful for your niche; and it seems to grow each day

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