The Central Americans Have Wings Poem by Hebert Logerie

The Central Americans Have Wings

How are they going to stop the Central Americans
Since they have strong wings to fly over the border?
If you can stop the eagles, the coyotes, the pelicans
The rats, mice, worms, and ants, then you're not a liar
You'll be able to also chase the bees and the flies
From crossing over easy hurdles and a very tall fence
Oh! What a waste of money! At least the gringo tries
To convince the Americans not the Central Americans
The former is laughing and the latter is openly giggling
This not a ruse because people' lives are in danger
The Central Americans have wings, they can fly over
The dam and the darn border. The angels will be joining
Them; then no armies and forces can stop this caravan
The world belongs to you, to them and to us. Open the windows
Open the doors, open the gates and give back me my pen
To finish this poem. God is great and only the Lord knows.

P.S. There were no borders centuries ago. Think about that.

Copyright © January 2019, Hébert Logerie, All rights reserved.
Hébert Logerie is the author of several books of poetry

Tuesday, January 22, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: border war,frontiers
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