The Christ Of Ancestral Echoes Poem by Doris Dzameshie

The Christ Of Ancestral Echoes

In the heart of red earth, where baobabs stretch their arms, And the wind carries whispers from forgotten ages, There, the Christ dances—an enigma of cosmic threads, Weaving through ancestral memories and sacred pages.

Verse 1: The Christ of Dust and Stars
The Christ wears sandals woven from stardust, His footsteps echo across savannahs and deserts. He is the cosmic wanderer, the celestial nomad, His eyes hold galaxies, and His heart cradles secrets.

Chorus: Hallelujah in Swahili
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! The ancestors sway, Their bones rise from red soil, joining the dance. They remember the firelight, the drumbeat, When the Christ whispered, "I am the way."

Verse 2: The Christ of Ubuntu
His hands bear scars—the imprint of thorns, Yet He touches wounds with healing tenderness. He walks with the grandmothers, their braids silver, And the children, their laughter like morning dew.

Chorus: Hallelujah in Yoruba
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! The baobabs sing, Their roots entwined with ancient wisdom. They tell stories of resilience, of survival, How the Christ danced with them under moonlight.
Bridge: The Christ of Ancestral Echoes
He speaks their names—the forgotten ones, The warriors, the midwives, the dreamers. Their blood flows in His veins, their breath in His lungs, And He whispers, "You are never alone."

Chorus: Hallelujah in Zulu
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! The wind carries, Across mountains and valleys, a sacred refrain. The Christ embraces both cross and cowrie shell, For salvation is woven in ancestral tapestries.

Outro: Sunset Benediction
As the sun dips low, casting shadows on termite mounds, The Christ stands at the crossroads of time. He is the bridge between heaven and earth, The cosmic heartbeat, the eternal rhyme.
Remember, my friend, the Christ dances— In the rustle of leaves, the heartbeat of drums. He is the Alpha and Omega, the Ancestor's echo, Uniting all souls under African suns.

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