The Cocoon Of Irish Life By Mai Venn Poem by Mai Murphy Venn

The Cocoon Of Irish Life By Mai Venn

We enter in birth as babies
Some flourish in a loving environment
We talk and walk when the time is right
We imitation our parent's customs
If religion is a part of the family life
Then we have a chance to learn of God
If religion doesn't exist in the home
We are at a great loss of it's important
Faith is for passing on to the next
It is part of the Irish inheritance
It's what we struggle for, for many years
Martyr have died for the sake of it
We are now in a downward spiral
As each day go by our flock strays
Dwindles and fades, leaving a few
The few that remains are the flicker
That vital light that dim or ignite
If our cocoon of our family and friends
Brake the link that has survived so long
Satan will have his way over mankind
It survival will depend on the strength
Of the true believers of the faith, hope, and charity
The foundation of the establishment
The rock founder by Peter the apostle
Is rumbling loudly of corruption within
Yet they are but mortals that can be flawed
Is there only one God and many religions
Or religions that believe in many gods

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