The Dance Of Trust Poem by Rhodesse Fanche

The Dance Of Trust

In the realm of love, trust holds the key,
Without its grace, we find naught but debris,
It all began with trust, your every word,
Believing you were my universe, undisturbed.

But alas, your mask fell, revealing true hues,
A kaleidoscope of colors, a painful ruse,
A thousand excuses I wove like a thread,
To hide the million messes you left in my stead.

I shouldered the blame, though the victim I stood,
A sacrificial act, misunderstood,
For trust is the foundation, love's sacred core,
Without its presence, love crumbles, no more.

You betrayed my trust, no remorse in your eyes,
Unapologetic, demoralizing, no surprise,
I wish your hand had never found its way,
To strike me down, tarnishing love's sacred sway.

Real men, they say, don't raise hands upon women,
Yet you shattered that truth, a love long-riven,
Yes, I was willing to forgive, to let go,
Till trust was shattered again, by your cheating blow.

It takes trust, you see, to nurture love's flame,
A delicate dance, where hearts intertwain,
In your darkest moments, I stood by your side,
But when I needed you, you chose to hide.

Others you kept, a circle of allure,
Speaking ill of me, their attention to secure,
It saddens me deeply, that you claim to love,
After the abuse, a stranger you've become, thereof.

I wish you'd speak kindly, behind my back's veil,
As you do in my presence, where words prevail,
But now I must release, let go, and move on,
Grateful for the lessons, though the pain lingers on.

So, I bid farewell, with gratitude in my heart,
For the experience, a teacher, imparting wisdom's art,
Our story's end, a testament to the truth,
That without trust, love withers, a wilted bloom, uncouth.

I'm sorry it had to end this way, my dear,
For without trust, love's foundation disappears,
May we both find solace, in lessons learned,
And on love's next horizon, may trust be returned.

Friday, November 6, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: breaking up,love,marriage,relationships,trust
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