Rhodesse Fanche

Rhodesse Fanche Poems

Who granted you the title, O arbiter supreme?
To criticize and blame, as if in a dream,
Who crowned you the judge, with authority vast,
Dictating how lives should be lived, unsurpassed?

In moments when life's burdens break you down,
Where shall you seek solace, a mending crown?
When crumbling walls surround you tight,
To whom shall you turn, in your darkest night?

Don't strive to blend, to fade in the crowd,
Stand tall, stand proud, let your voice resound,
Don't alter your hair to mirror their gaze,
Nor reshape your body in conformity's maze.

Time, a fleeting companion, waits for none,
It slips away, never to be undone,
Waste not its precious essence, don't despair,
Lament not, but seize each moment with care.

We've traversed the depths, witnessed every rise,
There comes a moment when our spirit defies,
For in this chapter, nothing can impede,
Our souls stand strong, unyielding, indeed.

In a realm where friendship's bonds are formed,
Where hearts connect, a kinship adorned,
I find a gem, a treasure untold,
A friend so dear, worth more than gold.

Whispers of falsehood dance through the air,
Lies about me, a burden I bear.
Closer, come closer, and seek the truth,
Discover the essence of my spirit, uncouth.

Get behind me, jealousy, release your hold,
For I yearn to be me, authentic and bold,
I shun the path of conformity's sway,
Competitive thoughts, I cast away.

In a world of trials, I stand alone,
An unyielding force, a rock unknown,
They've tried to break me, time and again,
But I remain unshattered, steadfast, and then...

In this world so strange and wild,
Some folks may hate you without a trial,
They may not know why they feel this way,
Or maybe it's because of what others say.

Rejoice in rejection, let not your heart doubt,
For when one door closes, another shall sprout,
No anger to harbor, when they fail to call,
Their silence speaks volumes, no words at all.

Don't linger in the grip of unforgiveness' sting,
For it's a poison that won't make others wither and wring,
Release the weight, let it freely flow,
Forgiveness, a gift, to your soul bestow.

The promise echoes, two souls intertwined,
Yet here I stand, alone, burdens unrefined,
For the two shall become one, or so they say,
But what of my needs, my desires in this ballet?

They cling, unwilling to release their hold,
Yet absent when needed, their presence untold,
A decade in flux, a dance of deceit,
Back and forth, lies echoing, a repetitive beat.

In the realm of second chances, I stand firm,
For I've extended enough, my heart affirmed.
I'm weary of your mistreatment, you see,
Disrespect and indifference, a painful decree.

In the realm of love, trust holds the key,
Without its grace, we find naught but debris,
It all began with trust, your every word,
Believing you were my universe, undisturbed.

Within my heart, the tears cascade,
A torrent of sorrow, an ache unfade,
For my hero, my dad, has taken flight,
Leaving behind memories, precious and bright.

At the stroke of 3 am, news came with a chill,
A message of death, a void to fill.
Thought it a prank, a cruel charade,
But the text, in double vision, stayed.

Rhodesse Fanche Biography

As an ESL teacher, I am fueled by my passion for reading and writing. Above all else, my unwavering love for the Lord strengthens me in all that I do.)

The Best Poem Of Rhodesse Fanche

Who Made You The Judge?

Who granted you the title, O arbiter supreme?
To criticize and blame, as if in a dream,
Who crowned you the judge, with authority vast,
Dictating how lives should be lived, unsurpassed?

Assessing a woman's care for her spouse,
Decreeing a man's treatment, kind or douse,
Who anointed you judge, with powers untold,
While your own path remains untamed, yet bold?

Mending broken unions, though unwed yourself,
Whispering advice, from a distant shelf,
Who sanctioned your judgment, in matters so deep,
As you pry into lives, secrets you seek?

Nose in the affairs of others, you delve,
Invading their sanctums, where hearts may dwell,
Breeding discord, sowing seeds of disdain,
Pretending to be virtuous, a charade so vain.

Why, O judgmental soul, do you persist,
Casting stones, as if flawless, in your midst?
Behold the mirror, gaze deep at your core,
Can you count each strand, hair by hair, and more?

Alas, the truth unfolds, you cannot claim,
Perfection's grasp, an elusive flame,
Cease the judgment, the condemnations cease,
For the Creator alone holds judgment's lease.

God never tasked you to bear such a role,
To weigh hearts, to judge lives, to take control,
Let compassion guide, let empathy ignite,
For in unity, we shall find our true light.

Rhodesse Fanche Comments

Rhodesse Fanche Quotes

You need to have the vision to go for a mission. And to reach the destination, you need directions.

The secret to living a successful life is to identify each season of your life.

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