The Darkest Hour Is Just Before The Dawn Poem by Mara SalvatruchaDemon

The Darkest Hour Is Just Before The Dawn

i see myself in a casket
got so much time to reminisce
while i sit here in abyss
i wonder if heaven really exist
trying to be a confidence man
but nothing to show when shi hits the fan
Absence makes the heart grow fonder
i guess i'm on earth just to wander
this is everything i am
i feel left out like kazakhstan
cause no one cares for me
Ashes to ashes dust to dust
all the feelings i had just combust
say goodbye to all the trust
for all the people i know
got no one to bestow
heartless but i so keep a smile on my face although
they tell me Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
every single day life seems to get colder
trying get power and money By any means possible
i Bury my head in the sand
cause i Refuse to confront or acknowledge a problem
its hard to make you understand
stress is stuck to me like a wrist band
The darkest hour is just before the dawn
will anyone care when i'm gone

Brian Jani 03 May 2014

well written Mara, keep it up

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Naseer Ahmed Nasir 28 February 2009

Well you are not going anywhere, Justin. There is always a dawn before the darkest hour in ones life. A good write..... Keep it up. Best Wishes. Naseer

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