The Dawn Of A New Hope Poem by offei joseph

The Dawn Of A New Hope

Rating: 2.8

The day is slowly drawing to a close
And i can no longer fight for what i chose
My thoughts still ramble on
What is the point in life
Where can i run, where can i go
My life is bound into a yoke

Pain has surely threatened my life
Hostile eyes assail me from all sides
Seeking to overtake me
I can almost feel the pinch of their eyes
Eyes that have beguiled the gloom of solitude
And torn the heart out of me

The questions are still flowing
Can man live without a meaning
All too soon,
The sore has grown into a wound
All alone and too painfully awake
I seek to escape a nameless fate

By the touch of the screaming heat of the sun,
I count every moment that passes in fear
And utter a wordless cry of despair
With the terror movement of air
Pain has sat squarely in my heart
No happiness can ever alter

But the hot sun is departing now
And i can hear an echo sounding low
Get lingering sorrow off your soul
The painful days and hours are gone
A new hope is born
That has to keep you forever on the move
Yes, a new light has prevailed
My light, my victory.

Sulaiman Mohd Yusof 26 August 2009

Your determination and courage reflected so vividly in this writes.Yes, move on and keep on moving Offei.

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