The Definitive Discourse Poem by Heath Muchena

The Definitive Discourse

It was just moments into the discourse that he realised he couldn't win the debate. Clearly he'd made a grave mistake underestimating her.

His demagoguery was inferior in the face of her diligent diplomatic displays. The delivery of her doctrine made her ideas appear as the guiding principles for how her party would achieve its goals rather than a prescription of ideals. That's what made all the difference to the citizens who'd long since been fed up of listening to the empty promises made time and time again by cunning politicians.

He'd taken her for just another pretty anti-establishment activist and little had he known she was very determined to bring about real change and address the rampant corruption in the city. In some ways she resembled Virginia Raggi, particularly in her ability to articulate her views and just her sheer tenacity.

Ultimately, in the eyes of the public he was a symbol of the status quo while she, on the other hand, represented movement.

He had failed to realise that Continuity is not the same as Stasis and that the former bolsters any transition while the latter resists and delays change.

His message had not been aligned with the times and it didn't take the populace long to figure out who they thought was best equipped to innovate but still preserve the glorious legacy of their old customs. It was unmistakably evident even to the establishment that he wasn't the man best suited for the job and that they had to consider the obvious alternative. She was the sensible, and in truth, the rightful candidate.

The people had reached a stage where they were prepared to let go of the redundant traditions - which essentially had been responsible for the unfair practice of reserving powerful positions for the males - in order to secure a progressively steady future.

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