The Demon In Me Poem by Stacie Armstrong

The Demon In Me

Rating: 2.0

I'm fighting the Demon as hard as I can,
sometimes I can't look at myself, I don't understand.

Nobody see's it & nobody knows,
that everyday the Demon grows.

I surpress the feelings that make the Demon grow, It feels like a poison growing inside of me,

Looking into the mirror i tell myself it's just in my mind, & the voice I hear is just telling me lies,

But it is the demon who looks back at me, through my own eyes.

Everyday seems worse than the day before, ⁸

the Demon will use whatever it can find, I dont know if I can take much more.

I want to be set free, But is it the Demon, or is it me?

No one can see it, but I know its there.0

Scratching it's way out, its my soul that it tares.

I'm the only one who can stop it, because no one else knows.

What it feeds on, the more pain the more it grows.

The burning pain inside my chest.

Is there everyday and won't let me rest.

I bet someday, I will like the real me.

I hope someday, from the Demon I'm free.

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