The World Today. Poem by Stacie Armstrong

The World Today.

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You don't know me but you hate what you can't see, is it because you think your so much better than me?

I do not pretend to know anything about you, so I will reserve my judgment, until I do.

My life isn't what you assume it to be, people assume things based on what they see.

I cannot help the way that I was born, God decided to make me the way that I look, people tend to judge a story by the cover before they read the book.

Most people look at me and hate me right away, it's impossible to make real friends, and everyone has something to say.

Nobody wants to spend the rest of their life with you, they just tell you what they think you want to hear, then once they get what they want, there on to someone new.

I should just accept it because I will eventually find someone else to use me again, it's just a matter of time, where, or when.

However, if they would have just opened my storybook and read about the person hat I am inside, they would see that real beauty comes from what's within, maybe the cover of the book wasn't even about the story written, but judged by other's foolish pride.

The choice is ours and ours alone to make, will you put others before you, or continue to take?

The moral of this poem is you don't have to hate because you are told that is what you must do, be different, and open the book, within the pages, an adventure is waiting for you.

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