The Doctrine Of Christ Poem by Bob Gotti

The Doctrine Of Christ

While abiding in the doctrine of Christ, we have hope of Eternal Life,
With The Truths Christ would impart, unto every true, believing heart,
Describing a sevenfold foundation, which, undergirds our Salvation,
A Salvation in which we can trust, all through our Lord, Christ Jesus.

First, God has just one true Body, One True Church for you and me,
A Body, where Christ is The Head, as others remain spiritually dead;
Then, there’s only one Spirit of God, for all believers on earth’s sod,
Christ’s Spirit that leads us each day, to live life on The Narrow Way.

We’ve but, One Hope in this world, our hope in Christ that we herald,
The Hope we have in Jesus Christ, Who shall take us all to Paradise;
As the Body has but One Lord, Jesus Christ, the one Savior adored,
By all, who truly belong to God, Who leads us all, with staff and rod.

Fifth, we all have but one Faith, that we’ve come to by God’s Grace,
But one Faith, held by all God’s own, our faith in Jesus Christ alone;
Then, there’s only one Baptism, standing apart from every other ism,
Our baptism through God’s Spirit, when believing Truth as we hear it.

There’s but One God for all of us, The Eternal Father of Christ Jesus,
Our Eternal Father and Creator, Who gave to us, our Blessed Savior;
All of these are found in our foundation, right from God’s Revelation,
Our foundation on which we stand, until we reach the Promised Land.

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti

New Jersey
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