The Forbidden Road -3 Poem by WEIKAMA EMMA

The Forbidden Road -3

It was in mid July back in 2008 fray and his parents had set off to attend a wedding ceremony of one of his aunties. There he met with his long seen cousins among who was Johnny. On seeing him he cast his memories down the years in 1994 when they where taken to their first primary classes by fray's sister, punkin as he referred to her along with fray's brother Artsel Allison, fray's sister had dropped Johnny in p1c, fray in p1b and artsel, in p1a, the three streams that existed for p1 in Nabuyonga primary school. They had separated while joining high school.
Hi Johnny fray said Johnny just grinned and hugged him saying the transport from home was free so I couldn’t see reason good enough for not coming. Good you did old boy because I wouldn’t 've caught you later fray asked about Johnny’s sister Kim wondering if Johnny could give him her number Johnny’s phone battery was low so fray offered his phone. Johnny transferred his sim to fray's cell phone fray copied Kim’s number to his cell phone memory and before he could hand back Johnny’s sim card fray's dad called for him that way he came to think about the simcard again on his way back to Kampala. In this sim was a number saved under the identity, Beyonce this was a really famous name that it called for his attention wondering who that was he copied the number and one day called on it until this day the two have never met but beyonce, or Tricia and fray are pretty good friends.
“So what buildings were burnt down? ” Fray asked.
“Just shops in the neighborhood.”
”'re you fine Tricia? ”
“Sure I am. When’re you coming to Mbale? Fray I need to meet you”
there was a short silence and fray said he wasn't sure
“but I recall the last time you called you said you were in kamwokya.”
Kamwokya one of the city out skirts was one of Tricia's aunt's place of residence. She herself was born and raised in Entebbe.
“So when’re you going to Entebbe because that way we can meet on your way? ”
“Am so fixed down here Fray there's no such time as free we work even on public holidays she said. “And that leaves you with no option Fray but to come down here and meet me” she added
I’ll try in x-mass time, how about that? He asked I've got little or no choice at all Fray, what ever you say. Okay.
Well I better get back to work now. Okay thanks for calling Tricia. She hanged up leaving a slight grin on fray's face that expressed satisfaction. He would’ve rushed to preen in the mirror if he were female. He fe3lt loved at least. What he did not understand was why he was treated like a hero by other ladies and like a king trash among trashes by Emilia.on this thought his face turned grim at once. “It don’t make much sense, does it? ” he whispered
That evening when he emerged out of his class stream he caught Meg one of Emilia's classmates. She said she was tired and joked about being pregie they both giggled when fray said to her 'you don't really watch what you eat when you're about to leave university, do you? ” Exchanging words of hullo the two chatted a little more when fray caught Emilia and Lisa at a distance he said bye to Meg and headed straight to them...........................


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