The Geometry Of The Cycles Poem by Noah Body

The Geometry Of The Cycles

Rating: 5.0

Can you picture the steep and craggy alps?
Lately that has been the sine wave
Of the hated beast driven cycles
That drove me deep into the cave

Depression and mania bringing madness
Like blitzkreig warfare against my mind
Frequency and amplitude ever rising
Until peace I just couldn't find

The beast raging completely unchecked
Alien thoughts and emotions filled me
Slicing bloody ribbons from my soul
No matter what they refused to let me be

To the cave I went and dumped it all
In self defense to keep me sane
Poured out all of the madness
Left behind all of the pain

Until the frequency and amplitude
Eventually gentled and began to wane
Like Pa's gently rolling foothills
Allowing me to again feel sane

Now the sine wave has morphed into a line
Just above the center of the scale
Mild hypomania is now ruling all
That's all there is to this tale

Except to tell you that at last
I've left the cave for the world
And the light and love there contained
And hope's flag is once again unfurled

Lyn Paul 18 December 2012

You explain your thinking well. You have just so much to give to help others. Super

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Malaya Roses 18 December 2012

Nature or Karma... it goes around to comes around....good path taking.. fine days will come to you. Nothing too high to climb... not too frozen to melt... and you made the nature as beautiful as human mind. Excellent! ! ! ! !

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Unwritten Soul 17 December 2012

Cut to divide two into symmetrical horizontally, before cut one vertically...cut more diagonally...pieces of geometry will you may not be angular shaped but we can still adore the geometry hidden inside it...why say such to your life...why say much if you not try much, because how hard the geometry puzzles in you, symmetry or assymetry..beautiful you still not change..they will say any thing by their preferences, but you, alway true in your own cycle, cycle of geometry in life, you own it.._Soul

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